Its been a hectic last few weeks keeping up with all of the new stuff pertaining to the forthcoming DVD TV Sitcom “There Goes Da Neighba’hood”, In case you missed something amidst the clatter and clap-trap that is your Facebook news-feed I’ve compiled all of the updates in this article so that you late bloomin’, rat-soup eating, insecure, honky muthafuckas can become acquainted with what’s been happening with the forthcoming “There Goes Da Neighba’hood!” Black Devil Doll TV Sitcom STILL funding on Indiegogo with a TON of great perks for you to pick up…or just cut through all the bullshit and pre-order your DVD/Blu-Ray for a measly $30!
So here is what you may have missed…
1.) Music composer MARS HOMEWORLD joins the There Goes Da Neighborhood team!
As we’ve mentioned before, music is going to play a real real key role in the creative success of “There Goes Da Neighba’hood”. Producing this direct-to-DVD/VOD sitcom series in that distinct style of 80′s television was going to require a top-notch musician with a vast knowledge of those classic shows, who could reference those familiar themes, combine them with our twisted spin on them, then weave it all into musical gold. Mars Homeworld is that musician, and we couldn’t be happier to have him on the team!
One of the most important musical elements of the series, as you probably guessed, is the opening theme song. And we’re thrilled as all hell to tell you that Mars knocked that fucker out of the park! Yes, that’s right, it’s already done and it sounds AMAZING. We’ll be debuting it here VERY SOON. And when you hear it, you’re going to see that our collaboration with Mars is going to take this series to another level.
Mars has built a real solid reputation as a musician who consistently delivers what filmmakers want…On time, on budget, and stylistically on target. Mars is a multi-instrumentalist who has performed with symphony orchestras, as well as jazz, metal, and goth bands touring through Canada, and the United States. He’s an accomplished session musician, as well as a recording engineer. He founded DEAD HOUSE MUSIC in 2005 as a company specializing in original, high quality music for for independent genre films, and he has over 28 projects (feature films, shorts, TV programs, DVD, and video games) to his credit to date. His music has been featured in films that have received theatrical release, as well as projects that have secured worldwide distribution via DVD, Video-On-Demand, and broadcast television.
Visit the campaign and PLEASE support!
2.) Mubia Abu Jama kidnapped Kanye and Kim’s baby, North West. Held For Ransom
Seriously folks…we can’t make this stuff up (…). Click on the image to watch the video in a different window.
3.) Spike Lee drops a bombshell on Mubia; calls our beloved negro puppet “Truly Ignorant”!
If you didn’t catch the news, Spike Lee created an Indiegogo Campaign in effort to fund his next film project. Nevermind that the asshole-on-a-stick owns a “Summer Home” in Martha’s Vineyard (how do people get by on just one home!?), a $30 million dollar Upper East Side primary home, and the headquarters of his production company 40 Acres and a Mule. Mubia was more than a little perturbed at the thought of Spike Lee asking for handouts so he engaged in a Twitter post with the half-pint hack. Check it out! Click the image to enlarge in a new window.
4.) TV JIVE Poster Premiered!
This, personally, is my favorite perk out of all the ones that have showed up on Indiegogo! Click on the image to open in a new window and view it in all its glory. Then CLICK HERE to donate $20 to the campaign to swoop up yours before AUGUST 3rd!
5.) Black Devil Doll makes Mr. Skin’s TOP TEN!
Black Devil Doll earned a spot in Mr Skin’s Top 10 Freakiest Nude Scenes Of All Time! Mubia cracks the Top 10 and is in league with some very nice company! Click the image below to watch the video. Warning: NSFW (That means Not Safe For Work…dumbass).
6.) The Opening Sequence to the TV Show Premiered along with the Theme Song!
So for our final update, we wanted to really bring out the big guns and actually reveal the opening sequence for the series, along with the theme song. And wow did Mars Homeworld do an amazing job on that theme song! And a huge thanks to Kimberly Liebly Prince for delivering a flawless vocal performance. Needless to say, we are all super stoked how it all turned out, and we really feel it captures the ridiculously funny and insane vibe of “There Goes Da Neighba’hood”. Click the image below to watch in a new window. Mubia gives a heartfelt introduction at the beginning to all of the contributors thus far.
7.) PLAN B Initiated & Final last minute perks for the Indiegogo Campaign!
Our dream was to shoot ‘There Goes Da Neighba’hood’ on a sound stage, with sets, and a three camera set-up. It’s the reason our goal of 75K was so damn high. Unfortunately, we haven’t received enough pledges to make that dream a reality… Our first instinct was to take the money, move the production to Mexico & shoot the series in Spanish (No Me Gusto!), then sell the DVDs on the streets of Mexico City. Never to return to America! But after we sobered up and wiped the tears away, that seemed a bit extreme. So…as a Plan “B” we’ve almost raised enough to enable us to shoot the entire 6 episodes, on-location, locally! And those locations have been secured. That’s right, if we can raise just a little more between now and Saturday we will be able to shoot and deliver this insane series to all the fans. So if you donated and are worried about your perks and your money, fear not, we are almost there! This production is going to happen, no question. So let’s keep this train moving forward, share the links and videos, and keep those pledges coming in. We are almost there! We are going to make this happen!!!
And this is what we’re gonna do from our end…
For you last-minute “what’s gonna happen if you don’t raise the money” punks, we’re offering up a final, cheap-ass perk to get you motivated and get you off the fence. Yes, it’s the Spike Lee Hack Perk! With a measly $20 pledge, you will receive digital downloads in HD of the first two episodes. And if that wasn’t enough, you will also receive a Rotten Cotton T-shirt of your choice as soon as the campaign ends!
How do you pass THAT up??? Goddamn, we’re awesome! Now you can be awesome, too. The clock is ticking, so jump on it NOW. The campaign ends this Saturday, kids. And again, thanks to everyone for the support. WE can’t do this without you guys, and we all really fucking appreciate it.
“There Goes Da Neigh’bahood” is continously funding on Indiegogo until this SATURDAY, AUGUST 3rd! If you want to be a part of indie film history you can donate and/or pick up a nice perk at the Official Indiegogo Campaign page!
Also follow Mubia Abu-Jama on his FACEBOOK PAGE, his TWITTER @BlackDevilDoll, and on the “There Goes Da Neigh’bahood” Facebook fanpage!
- 1985 A.D.